State Fair Session | Arizona Professional Photographer | Brooke Marcella Photography

2013_10_25Stephanie-3 I don’t know which one of us is luckier…a best friend that is always up for being my practice dummy or having a best friend that is a professional photographer LOL. Stephanie is always willing to do whatever and just go will the flow, what else could you ask for in a model?? I was already headed to the state fair last Friday with my boyfriend and a couple other friends and I just knew I had to sneak in a little session, so of course I recruited my Stephy :) I was a little nervous when we walked in and it was pretty packed, but that didn’t stop us. We walked around in search for the perfect spots and man of man did we find them. I seriously want every session to be at the fair, it was so colorful and just flat out fun! I can now cross that off my bucket list :)

These colors are so amazing!
