Birthday Party Fun | Arizona Professional Photographer | Brooke Marcella Photography

I have been participating in the 30 days of thanks #30DOT and it has made me feel overwhelmingly blessed with my life and the people in it. This past Sunday it was my step-grandmother’s (Nonni) birthday and it’s always so nice when the family gets together because now that I am in college I don’t get the chance to see them too often. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and although my parent’s divorce was tough for me, I truly think it was for the best because if it hadn’t happened I wouldn’t have gotten the opportunity to be apart of such a loving and caring family. They have welcomed me into the family and made me feel apart of it without any hesitation and I am forever grateful for that.

Here are a couple pictures that I took :)

Isn't the decor just too cute?! Totally fits Nonni's personality :)
Nonni is an awesome singer.2013_11_10_LynnsBirthday-114 The whole gang, yay for self timers! :)2013_11_10_LynnsBirthday-178